Tuesday 23 April 2013

Bunbury Family Photography Studio | Pratt Family

All the way from Bridgetown they drove to get the family shots done in my studio in Bunbury.  It was a pleasure to work with little man Kody - look at him and you'll completely understand. How cute is he.

What a photogenic bunch of people the Pratt family is...

I am ever so grateful for each and every referral that comes my way. Thank you to all my past clients who has referred clients to me in the past few months.  It doesn't go by unseen.

Book a family photo session

Bunbury Family Photography Studio

Bunbury Family Photography Studio

Bunbury Family Photography Studio
Bunbury Family Photography Studio
Bunbury Family Photography Studio

Bunbury Family Photography Studio

Bunbury Family Photography Studio

Bunbury Family Photography Studio

Bunbury Family Photography Studio

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